I'm not going to spoil, but I liked
The Matrix reloaded. It was good, yay! Not as good as the first one, seemed less actiony, but hey that got better every time I watched it, maybe this will too. It's a shame that some of the coolest scenes were in the trailer, but that's what happens. The film answered some questions that came up after the first one, so that's cool. It makes it make a lot more sense, they had thought stuff through that we weren't giving them credit for. After the film someone I was with said it was silly, but since it was 12:30 and everyone dispersed for bed I don't really know what she meant, I'll ask her later. Might discuss the film in more depth later and hide spoilers by changing font colour or something, right now I'm going to get up properly, I really shouldn't go online before I've even got dressed.
Fight Club Went in expecting awful film, really didn't want to see it, think it's fantastic, one of my fave films.
Princess Bride Come on, Columbo reading to the boy out of the wonder years? How can that be any good, again, one of my fave films.
Mystery Men Was told it was awful, expected it to be rubbish, love it.
Shrek Kids film, green troll thing, won't be good. Love it.
Unbreakable By guy who did Sixth Sense (M. Night Shyamalan) expected great things, disappointed with predictability.
Memento Expected it to be fantastic, didn't really enjoy it.
The Full Monty So much hype, expected great things, found it boring.
Films this didn't work for: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers told was awful, nothing like the book, watched it and agreed.
Only other productive thing I've done lately is to do with church as well, I've done a lot of planning, website designing and renaming for Kids Clubs (well, not a lot of renaming, just the one renaming and then having to change the logo on everything), they're now called Hullabaloo! Credit for the name goes to Helen, it's a good name, thank you Helen, you're great :-)