Ahh, an update to my Christmassy ponderings on why Brussel Sprouts aren't just called sprouts. I was at
Examples of Language Differences between Countries and States which wasn't particularly interesting, but did mention that:
"An American asking for "Sprouts" would probably mean "Bean sprouts" whereas in the U.K. this would mean "Brussel sprouts" (which is a small green leaved vegetable)."
So yes, of course, beansprouts, I didn't really think of them when I was trying to think of sprouts, 'cos they're all one word, maybe they aren't actually meant to be, I'm not sure, I've always just thought of them as beansprouts. Don't people have brussel sprouts in the US then? Presumably not as they had to describe them in their explanation.
Just in case you're wondering I am not
Peter DeLuise. I know that you probably weren't thinking that I am, but quite a few people seem to think that I am and I was wondering if I was misleading people somehow on my
site. I don't really understand it, I mean in order to get my email address off my site then they must have gone all the way down the front page. The email address is just below the section that says:
"I am not Peter Deluise, I am in no way affiliated with Peter Deluise, I have sadly never even met the man. I have no contact with him, any information on this site is therefore not first hand, I just wanted to set up the site because I appreciate his work. You are welcome to contact me, but don't think you're talking to Peter, you're not."
So how is it that I get emails telling me that I make a wondeful show and that my father and I are very funny and great actors? A couple of people have even signed my
Guestbook which is at a completely different site, so they must have navigated round my sites quite a bit to find that, yet they still think I'm Peter DeLuise. Why? I can't see what I'm doing that would let people think I'm him, unless they think that he doesn't want anyone to know that he's running his own site and that's why he refers to himself in the third person all the time and denies being Peter DeLuise. Maybe people think I'll pass messages on, but if that's the case you'd think that they'd say that, instead of just talking to me as if I'm Peter DeLuise. I guess people don't actually read the details on the page, they just look for a contact address.
I should stop this rambling, I'm never going to find out, because however nice I am to people who've thought I'm Peter DeLuise, they never reply again, presumably they're too embarrassed 'cos they feel they've made a fool of themselves, so they never tell me what thoughts were running through their head as they composed the email.
Right then, going to do something constructive, I mean, I could consider this constructive, I guess I'm making something, but it's not really helpful in any way, shape or form, I can't really think of anything productive to do though. I could phone someone or something, I don't know. Maybe I'll write to Peter DeLuise, can't think what to say though.