Well as you can see i've stuck well at my blogging resolution. I trust you've all been enjoying my daily posts, updating you on all that is new and exciting in my life.
Just in case for some reason you haven't seen any posts since say, the beginning of the month I will just do a little recapping of the new things in my life. there aren't many, in fact the only new thing really is that I now have a pet. He is a blue budgie called Threepwood. Apparently this name is causing a lot of confusion, something I hadn't envisaged. Since I am used to the name and initially only saw it in text form I never had a problem with how to say it and yet when I tell people his name I get mangled replies such as freepwood. *sigh* perhaps I do not enunciate clearly, and yet even when I have spelled it out to people confusion remains, I didn't think the name was that odd.
Poor bird will probably never know his name, oh well, I don't need him to say his name, I would like him to speak if possible, but know that he may well not learn to speak. However, just in case, I am endeavouring to teach him a few sentences, you know, the standard sort of things one might wish to teach a budgie.
We're starting with the words look and monkey. Later to be expanded into a sentence for example:
"Look, behind you, a three headed monkey."
I am hoping also to have him saying "You fight like a dairy farmer" of course if he picks those up I can start getting him saying sentences from various other sources.
Well, nothing much has happened and what with my posts being so regular these days I really shouldn't write too much in one go or you will never have time to read them, therefore I will leave now.
Goodbye from me and pretty much nothing from Threepwood yet, except a bit of pecking.