For want of anything interesting to post I thought I'd just paste today's description of my
nation state.
The Constitutional Monarchy of CheddarMonkey
"You don't tea? Why are you?"
UN Category: Iron Fist Consumerists
(I'm usually an erratic dictatorship, so this change is interesting)
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Good
Political Freedoms: Outlawed
Location: The North Pacific
The Constitutional Monarchy of CheddarMonkey is a very large, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its burgeoning monkey population. Its compassionate, hard-working, cynical population of 68 million are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."
The government -- a sprawling, bureaucracy-choked, corrupt morass -- juggles the competing demands of Education, Religion & Spirituality, and Social Welfare. The average income tax rate is 29%. A substantial private sector is dominated by the Pizza Delivery industry.
Employers may fire workers without giving any reason, the government snoops on private internet connections, residents firmly believe there is no spoon, and the nation's first space rocket -- sponsored by Pepsi and shaped like an enormous soda bottle -- is being developed. Crime is totally unknown. CheddarMonkey's national animal is the monkey, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the leaf.
CheddarMonkey is ranked 4127th in the region and 53,269th in the world for Stupidest Citizens.
Yay, there is no spoon!
Random observation of the day
No one seems to refer to speed bumps as sleeping Policemen anymore.
Helen and I went to Wales to visit my friend in Swansea yesterday, that was quite cool, we got back tonight having spent the whole day driving home via the scenic route, visited Cardiff and went for a nice walk in a woods by some trees. It was very cool, I don't normally like driving, but going on really cool roads with good scenery was nice, though not quite as good once it had got dark, but still had Helen, so still fun.
Random observation of the day
Certain people haven't blogged for ages. Now, I know I've been bad, but there are some people that haven't even blogged yet this month!
Random observation of the day
On the motorway we saw a "Seriously Strong cheddar" lorry with the slogan Safe sex, dangerous cheese both Helen and I saw it and had to check to see that it wasn't us going mad.