Wow, I was attempting to find my own blog at google since no one seems to be coming here via searches since I changed the design, I can't work out why that would have made any difference, but it seems odd that no one has accidently found my site since then anyway I picked a fairly random search based on two things on one of my archive pages so my search term was:
"The Last Starfighter" Woo women nothing related to Stargate at all. Yet, the first sight I found was
Teal'c (and Picard from Star Trek and Garibaldi from Babylon 5) reviewing The Last Starfighter!! Once I remembered to put in the second set of inverted commas around the term
woo women the huge list of sites headed with that one dissappeared to leave just my site. So it seems that it's just that no one is going to my site anymore. How sad.