Well, I'm visiting my parents, so I am without EverQuest, therefore I thought I might as well blog :-) actually it's not really EverQuest that's prevented me from blogging. It's more a lack of anything interesting to say and not being able to motivate myself to blog.
Ok,so semi-interesting things in the world of Ali to share with you all. Hmmmmmm It should really be interesting for the first blog of the New Year shouldn't it? Maybe I could give you all of my New Year's resolutions, that's sure to be rivetting. I'd have to make them up first of course. Hmm, I will not smoke any more (should be fairly easy as I've never even tried a cigarette - unless someone sets me on fire of course) I will blog more often (yeah, right, don't hold your breath) and I will be less sarcastic. (I make that one every so often, but apparently I sound sarcastic when saying it, so I think I fail immediately).
I might try to use the computer less though, but I don't really like the idea of that resolution and am not sure how good I'll be at it. I do think I use it too much though, I even eat at the computer most of the time.
Okay, so that's my New Year's resolution, which I'm not sure counts as I don't really have much of an intention of keeping it, but there we go.
I could tell you about Christmas I guess, you see Christmas is a holiday which we celebrate on December 25th to remember the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is customary to exchange presents and eat much food. It is also generally customary to drink large quantities of alcohol, but I skip that part, sticking with Shloer instead, yum. For Christmas, we (we being Helen, Rob, Mark, John, Matt and myself - the names may not have helped, if not just think group of friends) all came to my house and had a Christmas Eve sleepover (oh that's not true, Matt didn't sleep over, he went home and then came back on Christmas day, and if we're getting into that Nikki (Mark's girlfriend - yes, she exists! I know, we were as shocked as you are) and Phil were round for dinner on Christmas Eve but they didn't come back for Christmas day, oh except Phil did pop in for a bit on Christmas day) this is all getting to confusing. You don't really care who was where when, for that matter do you care what we did? Well, you must have some interest for some reason as you're reading this blog, but maybe you didn't expect such odd detail - although that would imply you'd never been here before, in which case hello, I'm Ali, pleased to meet you, look, behind you a three-headed monkey.
Okay, I've given up, I confused myself with that and don't know who was where or anything and I was there, so to summarise. People came to mine, we had sacks of presents and ate dinner, it was fun. More people came on boxing day (Helen's parents) we had more presents and more food. People stayed, went to a toy fair, ate food. People went away. I stayed around the house and did some shopping with Helen as we were both on holiday and now I have come to my parents' house. Which is not a house I have ever been to before as they have moved. It's quite a nice house, I like it more than the old one, although apparently my sentiment is not shared by the dog, who has not settled, he is noticeably subdued and apparently cries at night, German Shepherds should not cry because they have been left alone for a bit, but apparently no-one told Mickey that.
So, happy 2005 everyone. Hopefully I will post a bit more than during the latter part of last year.