So I spent quite some time trying to create a new template for my blog, result- I created possibly the worst template anyone's ever seen, I have deleted it now, maybe I should have used it, just to show you how bad it was. Result now is a pretty rubbish and boring template that is lacking in monkeys. I need monkeys, I'm pestering
Helen, I want her to draw me a monkey with some cheese, she was being pedantic and pointed out that you couldn't use cheese to draw a monkey, you'd have to use a pencil, honestly, she knows what I mean. I want a monkey and some cheese, together in a picture. That'd be good. I can't draw you see, I have all the artistic ability of a dead sparrow. I don't think that this template is any better than the old one, but I guess it's yellow which is more relevant to cheddar, only problem is that I don't really like yellow, oh well.
Went to Bosworth Battle field today with
Helen and some people from church, it was quite good I guess, just to go for a walk in the sun. Then
Helen and I went to
Comet at
Fosse Park and bought
This Kettle it is a lovely kettle which changes colour, it is black when cold and white when hot. I didn't buy it simply because of that, but have to admit that that was the deciding factor, other points to consider were the fact that it's not too expensive, but is a decent make, quick boiling and has a limescale filter. We needed a new kettle because
Helen killed the old one the other day :-( I don't think she really killed it, I think it melted itself, but she seems to have decided she killed it because she was the one trying to boil water when it died. It was a tragic loss as the kettle was so young, it was not yet 2 :-(
I'm going now since I doubt that you really want to hear such exciting exploits as me purchasing a kettle and anyway I've run out of thrilling stories now.
Okay, maybe I'll go now, something tells me that you don't really want to hear about people renewing their books or having to pay a large fine cos they've brought them back late.
Oh and just in case you're wondering Han doesn't need to do my silly pretending he doesn't have a last name thing. In a competition between Han Solo and Luke Skywalker Han "Crumpet-Eating Robot Monkey" Solo with a battle rating of 7.5 beats Luke "Cheese-Eating Psycho Monkey" Skywalker's paltry 5.3 Conclusive Proof.