Once again I'm on one of the library computers during my break, have taken my break really late because there weren't any computers free till now, how sad am I? Honestly, you'd think there was nothing else that I could do in my break, it's not like I don't have a computer at home. Nothing exciting to comment on, I think maybe I'm trying to rival
The dullest blog in the world. Could just do some wandering round the net I guess. I keep getting that
moon song in my head, want to share it with everybody irl, but I'm not sure they'll appreciate it. I've emailed almost everyone who's address I have except for those who read my blog, 'cos I expect they'll go to it anyway. If not, why not? It's good I tell you, good!! Okay, maybe I should think of something more interesting to talk about for the next 5 minutes of my break, or I could just go and do something else. I could describe to you the exciting things going on in the library, someone is taking out a book. They don't have their card though, it's okay, 'cos they've brought a book back, so we can get their details off that, see it's exciting isn't it? Where else could you get to hear about the intricate workings of a library? Well, probably by going to a library I guess. You should you know, libraries are great, we have books and free internet access. Books are good, the internet is good, what more could you want? Some libraries even have DVDs and CDs, we don't 'cos we're quite small, but we have talking books and normal books and 4 computers. All of the computers are being used at the moment, but the one I'm using doesn't count as being used, 'cos I'd have to get off if a member of the public wanted it. See, libraries, fascinating.
Okay, maybe I'll go now, something tells me that you don't really want to hear about people renewing their books or having to pay a large fine cos they've brought them back late.