Hmm, I do have something to blog about now I checked my referall logs, what was this person looking for: (a monkey dancing like usher) I'm intrigued. Were the brackets someone's confused attempt at quotation marks? If they had put quote marks they'd have found nothing, so they did better with the brackets, though I'm not sure I provided what they wanted. Don't think I have a monkey dancing like usher. Is that an usher? I was an usher, and I am Cheddarmonkey, so maybe when I dance (as I so frequently do *s/v*) I am a monkey dancing like usher.
For the uninitiated *s/v* means Sarcastic Voice. A very useful abbreviation.
Bed now. Have to be up early in the morning for Hullabaloo.
Random observation of the day
James' blog seems to take ages to load lately. Is it just my computer? I get a white screen for ages. I could just mention it direct to him, but I didn't have anything to blog about, so there we go.