Well, I blogged too soon when I wrote glowing praise about Lucas. Never count your computers before they're erm, installed. Lucas seemed to be working, I reinstalled all the software, everything was ticking along nicely. Until I tried to play Prince of Persia, it was then that I encountered the same problem that I had had before, of unexpected closure of the game, okay, could just be the game, maybe there's a patch or something needed, except more problems began happening, including that nefarious blue screen. Rob tried making changes in the bios, but nothing seemed to make it more stable and then Windows stopped loading and took several attempts to reinstall it, then it was dodgy, only loading about 50% of the time, claiming there were missing files the rest of the time, so the hard drive is probably corrupted, so I backed up both hard drives and reinstalled Windows yet again, this time onto the larger hard drive. Lucas now appears to be working, thank goodness, but it's taken a lot of reinstalling and I still haven't put all of the software back on, Works and Nero need to be put back on and I haven't activated windows again. Hopefully this time I won't have to phone, after all the details of the computer shouldn't have changed so drastically this time.
Simon now has the possibly dodgy harddrive in him along with his original motherboard and everything, he has a CD writer and floppy drive, so could be a functioning computer, except he does nothing, doesn't even beep. All that happens when you turn him on is a fan starts. So I must have done something wrong, but I don't know what. I haven't really investigated the problem much tbh, I'm more interested in making Lucas work properly.
Anyway, I guess I have learnt something from this, never try to fix a computer! No, that's not really true, despite all of this, parts of it were actually enjoyable and I do have satisfaction that Lucas is working, even though it was such a hassle, I'm glad I know how to put all the parts in now. The actual putting it together was pretty straightforward, it's just the whole making it do everything properly that's irritating, maybe it's easier with new parts instead of taking things which may have seen better days, but where's the fun?