Wow, 7 months since I last blogged. Oops. So, there's lots of things I keep thinking about blogging about, but then they seem a bit trivial so long later to bother typing about them. The only one that I still have a desire to do is the list of best 80s films, this is after watching a programme at Christmas which supposedly listed the top 40 80s films and yet missed out Ghostbusters! Travesty. Other films missed out were The Empire Strikes Back, (possibly they had a no sequel rule) Die Hard, Flight of the Navigator and The Princess Bride, though I can understand the omission of that as it is a bit of a cult film. I can't really complain as it was voted for, not chosen by anyone, but clearly the voting public are wrong and a much better Top 40 of the 80s would be one that I put together. So none of this democracy rubbish, instead I present the Top 40 of the 80s according to Ali's. Except I can't be bothered with 40, so it's my top 10.
First: The wrong Top 10 as presented by Channel 5. (For whole list see
10. Beverly Hills Cop
9. Lost Boys
8. Top Gun
7. The Breakfast Club
6. The Terminator
5. Airplane
4. Aliens
3. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Dirty Dancing
1. Back to the Future (at least they got something right)
The Top 10 80s films according to Ali
10. The Goonies
9. Die Hard
8. Flight of the Navigator
7. Karate Kid
6. Terminator
5. Ghostbusters
4. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
3. Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi (Okay I'm cheating a bit)
2. Princess Bride
1. Back to the Future/BTTF II (yes, cheating again, note III is not an 80s film)
Although I've been thinking about this for a while, it's still a kind of gut instinct list and is missing many films that I'm having trouble with because they should be in the Top 10 as well, I'm particularly sad that I had to kick
D.A.R.Y.L and
Lethal Weapon off the end and
Batteries Not Included. This is harder than I thought, after all
The Lost Boys and
Flatliners are excellent films and they're missing, hmm. Maybe it's not possible to make a definitive list.
One thing that's certain though is that the 80s was the best decade ever for films. If I had a choice of only being able to watch films from one decade, that's definitely the one I'd pick, I've started watching several of them off the list after suddenly having them brought back to mind. I don't know if it's to do with my age in the 80s, after all I've picked mainly kids films, but talking to others, even some who weren't born in the 80s and yet recognise the genius of these films, I realise that they were just better. If I were to try to put together a top 10 of the 90s I think I'd have the opposite problem than I do now, in that I'd run out of great films by number 6.
Anyway, all this blogging after such a long gap is making my brain mushy, so I'm going away again now, hopefully not for another 7 months, but I make no promises.
Hmm, was this post worth waiting for?