I have been meaning to blog for ages, but I hadn't realised it had been over a month, that's terrible. the thing is all the stuff I was going to blog about is a bit stale now, like I could rant about the kids who smashed my car window, but I'm not really feeling ranty about that anymore and if I told you that I should probably tell you the news before that which is that I got a new car, well an old car, but new to me, as old as my old car in fact, another N reg so 10 years old. This one is much bigger, it's an estate and is a Skoda, yay. The old car sold for £700 and the new one cost less than £300, so that was good. Although I wanted to make sure it's running properly and there was the window incident, so that all cost another £300, but still. Anyway, yes, so that's car related news. What else? I've been ill, still don't feel great, first of the season's colds. Helen and Rob are moving at the weekend. Hullabaloo has now moved to Friday evenings, it's only every other week at the moment, but eventually I'd like it to be weekly. World of Warcraft is still taking up far too much of my time, but Dozer is now level 56 and I have a new level 23 mage on a PvP server who is called Iggy as she is a troll and looks a bit punky. I don't really like playing any of my characters other than Dozer at the moment, but Iggy is for grouping with people, so I like doing that, when I solo it's just Dozer. I think once he reachers level 60 my playing will lessen off a bit, but I do have a mission to do once I get to that, Helen, Rob and I want to go on the tram! Not something that amazing you may think, but it's an alliance method of transport, so as horde we don't get to go on it or even see it, I'm looking forward to having a go on it. Sad but true. Some would say why don't I play alliance for a bit and go on it, but I don't want to, where's the challenge when the guards don't want to kill you? And it would defeat the point if I go before to see what it's like, I want to see it first as an invader, but a friendly one, who doesn't want to hurt anyone, just ride on the tram :-)
It seems a bit sad that my month's activity can be condensed into a few brief sentences. I could add interest by saying I've been alligator wrestling this morning, but I'm not sure that cutting out pictures of alligators for a game on Friday really counts as alligator wrestling.
So, back to the only interesting thing in my life, WoW. Helen made some very true points in her blog. I found myself nodding in agreement before looking around to check the dog wasn't watching me and thinking I was crazy and then realising that that is probably more crazy than nodding to myself. I really hate the word n00b. I don't know what exactly it is about the word that makes me detest it so much, but it really irritates me. If someone is new then why not help them? Why be so aggressive and rude to people? Helen is right, the internet was a friendlier place in the past, it's sad that it's changed. Or maybe it's the type of game. I certainly notice a lot more immaturity on the PvP server than on the PvE one, do all of the arrogant teenagers go on the PvP server? It's not even the fact that they are insulting people that really annoys me, if they were amusing or interesting about it I wouldn't mind so much, there is just something about the word n00b that grates. I don't think it's because it's l33t speak, though I do dislike that, I don't know if it's the harsh sound of the word, or it could just be that it is simply a word which means someone hasn't been around much, something which should make you want to help someone out, not yell at them. There's also the fact that the term is not just used for someone who is new, you see people calling a fairly high level person a n00b and that just seems ignorant, come up with something else! Next time I see someone calling someone a n00b maybe I should stand up for the person and insult the name caller, I will have to come up with some witty comments I guess. That could be hard. If all else fails I can always tell them they fight like a dairy farmer. If they're as young as they seem, that will throw them.
I should probably sleep, but first, in case you're wondering, this is Dozer:

(oh and it's a kilt, not a skirt).