I seem to remember that once upon a time I had this website called a blog and that I used to write things about my life on it. Hmm, it's sounds familiar, but surely if I had something like that I wouldn't leave it alone for 4 months at a time? Maybe I died...
Right, so hello everyone. My name's Ali aka Cheddarmonkey (I really must come up with a better name, I don't even eat much cheese anymore). You may remember me from when I used to actually write things on the internet.
Maybe I should tell you what's been going on since I vanished? Well, if you read my last post, you'll know I got a new job, I would blame this for my lack of posting, but honestly I think it's more that I just sort of forgot.
The new job has been going well. I enjoy doing library events, I was a bit worried about going out and talking to community groups, but actually it's not been too bad, there's nothing about the job that I've hated in fact. I quite like the extra variedness and fact that I can have a lot more input into what we actually do. One thing that isn't so good is the number of meetings.
I'm moving house very soon, I'm not going far though, I'm not even leaving this road! I'm just getting a bigger house, which'll be good for when people visit and also for Rex so that he's got a decent garden to run around in.
I've been reading loads of manga lately, this is turning out to be an expensive hobby. It's work's fault, they sent me on a course to use manga in the library. I thought that was quite a good idea, and also wondered why I'd never really read any manga, figured if I wanted to use it in the library I should read some and got hooked. Only problem, we don't have much in the library service yet, though I'm in the process of changing that it will take some time and there's so many gaps they can't all be filled straight away. So I'm buying my own stuff, particularly Death Note, which I love, we had the first 3 volumes in the library system, so I read them, then had to order the rest from Amazon.
I've been playing Guitar Hero a lot again, I've managed to complete it on hard and got quite far on Expert. I've also been playing WoW quite a bit, I finally got Dozer to level 70. However, I've had trouble playing lately because of stupid Virginmedia. This last month my internet connection has been completely rubbish, it's intermittantly working, some days it's okay, others it cuts out every few minutes, some nights it doesn't work at all and I have resorted to going to Helen and Rob's house to play. To make matters worse they've got rid of the freephone number for reporting faults, you can get through on freephone to get new services, or disconnect services, but you have to phone a 25p per minute line for broadband problems. Okay, fair enough they brought that in for IT support that wasn't their fault, but when the service I'm paying them for isn't working there should be a free way to tell them! As it was I phoned the freephone number and told them to cancel my account. I told them I was moving and of course they asked if I'd considered moving the account to my new house, so I got the chance to very nicely (it's not the person on the phone's fault that they work for a rubbish company) tell them all of the problems I've had and how disappointed in the service I was.