Monday, January 05, 2004
D'oh, I forgot
- A Back to the Future clock. It's like this small black box thing with the BTTF logo on and a button on the back and you press the button and the clock comes out from inside. Cool. I have been carrying it around with me, this sounds sad, but isn't really, you see the battery in my watch went on Boxing day, so I don't have a watch, so I don't know the time, which is terrible, so I put the clock in my coat and carry it around. See, not sad. Well, okay, maybe a little sad. I should probably get a new watch battery anyway, what with it not being that handy to have to fish around in my coat pocket and find it and then press the button, and also not knowing the time when I don't have my coat on, except then I'm usually on the computer and that has a clock. I don't know what the date is though without my watch, I have to keep trying to work it out, I've been managing so far, but then it's near the beginning of the year and has been kind of not too hard, but could get difficult trying to keep track. I've talked about this present a lot now, I should probably stop.
I did miss some presents, I also got:
- £20
- A chocolate santa (I ate him, hence forgetting.
- Some Pfefferneuse! Yay
- A box of Christmas food: vegetables, Christmas pudding, a Melon (yuck), nuts (yuck), lots of biscuits, shortbread etc.
Random observation of the day
There was no random observation yesterday. Though technically I blogged after midnight, so these posts will both show up on the same day.
Okay, so it's 2004. That's nice. I haven't blogged since before Christmas, which means that there's loads of stuff that I haven't written about. I've been on the internet loads lately and seem to have become addicted to Neopets, so I haven't been blogging, just obsessively playing Sutek's Tomb.
I keep meaning to blog, but the idea of trying to think of everything I've done and make it sound fairly interesting is kind of scary and so I think I just won't bother. If you want to know what I did for Christmas you could read Helen's blog except I didn't go to Southend with her and Rob. What did I do when she was in Southend, uhh, I don't remember, sat around bored most likely, or possibly played on the computer. That's a pretty safe bet, yeah, used the computer for an inordinately long time.
Oh and when Helen was playing Dungeon Siege I wasn't, I played on the Amiga a bit and dozed a little.
I could do the whole list of everything I got for Christmas, but that's fairly daunting, it's like that memory game, hmm, I could try, okay then, in no particular order for Christmas I got (oh and I'm going to cheat and just lump some things together, sorry):
- A hand made photo collection with photos of my friend and I from about the age of 12 up to recent ones.
- A hand made frog game where you have to try to catch the fly in the frog's mouth (made of card, string and beads for the fly)
- A miniature snooker table
- A cardboard boomerang, also handmade
- A large quantity of sweets and chocolates
- Socks with "Eat Cheese" on them, yay!
- A 100G hard drive
- A DVD writer
- A collection of C.S Lewis books
- "The Curious Incident of a dog in the Night-time" a very good book
- A book of Extreme Ironing
- Gordon the Gopher
- The obligatory toiletries
- A large polystyrene plane
- Some sort of "Mega Bloks" extreme sports thing (actually it says xtreme sports) it's a 1/4 pipe and a lego man on a board, with a "stunt stick" so you can move him I guess.
- Make Your ownopoly. Looks very cool, will take much designing to create Stargateopoly
- A Lavender aromatherapy set
- XXX on DVD
- Fake Jenga
- A handmade notebook (a close friend and I have a £2.50 budget, but try to get as much as poss, hence the number of homemade presents)
- Mugs - one filled with sweets, one with hot chocolate and marshmallows
- Bubbles
- A dragonfly glowlight
- A design ruler (with spirally things on)
- Craft supplies e.g. glitter
- A erm, thing. It's clear plastic with a Reindeer inside on the base, the reindeer is raised and has indentations, the whole thing is filled with water and has little balls inside, you have to get the balls into the holes, it's very hard, the indentations aren't very deep, so the balls come out very easily
- Magic gloves
- A Dairy milk money bank thing!! Yay, I always wanted one of these
- Abalone - a very good game, simple, but tactical.
- Keyring - you may have seen them, had them I think, but I can't find them now, little blue main with loop going between his hands, you put keys on it.
- A "young, gifted & skint" money tin thing (has a slot in the top to put money in, you have to use a tin opener to get the money out.