It's my lunchbreak at work, I thought I'd check emails, but annoyingly ntl's web access isn't working at the moment, tut. So I thought I might as well blog instead. Though I don't have anything to blog about, nothing new there then.
I was at a church meeting last night, it went on till quite late (had to get Helen to tape Stargate). Anyway my Church leaders are leaving :-( they're going to plant a church in Stoke On Trent in the summer. I feel really sad. I should be excited, God is obviously telling them to go, it's a good thing, but I can't help but feel down about it. I don't know who else is going to go with them to help either, we could end up losing loads, it's not losing, I know, it's sending them out. Still :-(
Happier thoughts... hmmm, can't think of any, slightly annoying morning at work actually since the computers wouldn't work properly, had to be in back up for most of the morning, they're working now though, hopefully will still be okay this afternoon. It's typical, today is the first time I've single-staffed and today is the day the computers decide to fail, okay, they've done it before, but not that often lately, most annoying.
Right, maybe I should actually eat some lunch then, I clearly have nothing interesting to say, don't know why I bother with this sometimes, I should really wait till I actually have something profound to say, but then this'd be a fairly empty blog and why shouldn't I just be another person filling the internet with drivel? I don't even know how to spell drivel and I'm far too lazy to bother opening word and checking.
I thought I'd join in with the fact that I liked the banner "Tony Blair is really annoying." That's almost Rimmer worthy i.e. Polymorph:
Okay, maybe the whole quote wasn't strictly necessary, but I like it.
So, have I done anything exciting lately? Well actually went out yesterday with Helen and some friends from church to see Dirty Carpet in The Shed. Dirty Carpet is the band that two of my friends are in (Mary, as in person I've roped into helping with Kids Clubs and Jim her hubbie). The Shed is a bar in town. I hadn't actually heard the band play before as I was at the Stargate convention last time, yes, I know what kind of friend am I? I'm so sad that I go to a convention instead of to my friend's gig at her own birthday party. To be fair to me I had bought and paid for the ticket long before she invited me to her birthday thing. I didn't know it was her birthday back then. Hmm, that sounds even worse doesn't it? I don't even know when my friend's birthdays are. Anyway, last night saw them for the first tie, they're pretty good, they play mostly covers, but they played well. The band after them was thrash metal, so it was just kind of loud. We went downstairs during that and didn't stay particularly late, didn't hear the 3rd band.
Yesterday was really hectic at Work not sure why, just loads of people and all needing quite in depth help. Plus a couple of teenagers that were in early in the afternoon using the computers (they hastened to inform us that they were not skiving but that one was ill and one was suspended) decided it'd be amusing to tape the outer doors shut by taping the handles together, it was only when a member of the public tried to leave that we discovered they'd done this and someone had to cut the tape off by reaching through the gap. We could have gone out the fire exit and round, but it's inconvenient obviously. I had heard them laughing out there when they left, now I know why. Honestly, tut.
Right, going now, time to swim in half an hour, I'm going 3 times a week now, see, aren't I a good girl. Helen seems to think that there's something wrong with my fitness logic though, i.e. I do 20 or so lengths in the pool 3 times a week and then eat loads of chocolate or whatever. I don't see the problem. I'm sure I'm not eating any more junk food than I did before, so at least I'm getting some exercise which must balance it slightly.
Right, going now then.
So, that's all sorted then, we know what the hey meant, there is no need for me to comment further on the matter, so I think that I'll go to bed. Though I do have to say that no matter what Helen and Mark say, I will not be ashamed of my childhood love of Phillip Schofield. I think that he was a great presenter, in fact he's still fantastic. I mean, he's been seen on such shows as the National Lottery. And erm, well, other things, he's clearly still a celebrity.