Sitting at work having eaten lots of salad and fruit for lunch as I'm trying to lose some weight. I should go for a walk or something, but succombed to the computer's siren-like call. I've got agility tonight anyway, so I will be getting quite a bit of exercise chasing after the dog.
James mentioned on his blog that as he recalled I didn't like
Dead like me if I'm entirely truthful on the matter, I never actually watched it. I didn't like it purely based on the trailer and ludicrous premise of a girl being killed by a toilet. Plus I heard bad things about it. However, my judgment of programmes that I haven't watched is often faulty, as an example I didn't like
Firefly until I actually watched it and realised it was fantastic. I've just never had any desire to give
Dead like me a go.
Has anyone else noticed...
That now that blogs are really widespread and that nearly everyone has a website, us geeks seem to be posting less and less often? I have previously said that maybe blogs are killing the internet as they limit creativity, but is it more that we don't know where we fit anymore now that everyone is online? It's not our niche anymore. It used to be amazing if you bumped into someone you knew, they must be a geek, now it's a bit scary to think that anyone I meet at work or wherever, could start reading what I'm up to. Bring back the old days when the internet was a mystery to non-geeks.