I have spotted something terrible. I was just looking at some old posts. In particular I was looking for the post from June 30th. Well, I didn't know what day I was looking for. I just knew I was looking for the one where I talked about lazy speech and told people to hit me if I start saying twenteh etc.
Before I tell you what a terrible thing I discovered, I guess I should explain the reason I was looking for this. Well you see it’s like this, there's a couple of boys who come into the library who find out I blog and one of them managed to find my blog; he mentioned talking with a Leicester accent, I was thinking "Oh no what kind of impression have I been giving him,” so I thought I'd go back and read which entry he read (assuming he only read one, it’s possible he read lots). Well, it wasn't too bad, I was being mean about Leicester accents admittedly; perhaps I should point out that it's not actually all people in Leicester, it is mainly people in certain areas, predominantly within the city who have this very lazy speech which I particularly dislike. Anyway, I decided that probably most of my blog entries are harmless, all they're going to do is tell them that I'm a geek and is that a problem? Am I going to shatter the illusions of the youth of today making them think that library staff are not cool? Well, maybe, but you know what? I don't want to be cool, I'd rather be a geek any day. So hello boys if you're reading this, though that is doubtful because now you've found it I expect the interest will wane as you realise quite how dull my ramblings are.
Right, I was sidetracked for a bit, but I should get onto the point of the terrible thing I saw: as I glanced at the aforementioned entry, which is a pretty short one, I immediately spotted 2 spelling mistakes. Out of a mere 68 words (excluding random observation), two were spelt wrong! That's quite a large percentage (nearly 3% which might seem small, but is quite big really for spelling errors). Now, I was hoping I would be able to glance at the time published and see that it was in fact ridiculously late thereby blaming it on an overtired brain. However, sadly it was only 10pm, so I can't use that as an excuse (this post is a different kettle of fish entirely and I can play the late card as much as I like). So perhaps I should accept responsibility for besmirching the name of the internet with my appalling usage of the English language. I mean, imagine it, spelling mistakes on the internet! The next thing we know there’ll be bad grammar and inaccurate facts, then where will we be? We won’t be able to trust everything we find online as the gospel truth!
So yes, I was all ready to accept the blame and mockery of the internet community. However, then I thought about it and decided it was your fault. Yes, you, because if you read that post and didn't comment on the spellings (hipocrite and apathay in case you're wondering) then you are accepting them and it is behaviour like that, turning a blind eye when you see wrongdoings around you, which has caused us to be in the state we're in now, if you stood up for what was right and proper then we wouldn't be in this mess. So yes, it's all your fault.
Right, I think I've deflected the blame enough now, so I shall go. The thing that worries me slightly is if there were that many errors in one small section (as well as some turns of phrase that I’m not too happy with) is my whole blog riddled with errors? What should probably worry me more than that is the question “Why does this bother me so much?”
Should I really care if people think I can’t spell? Is it the end of the world if I put the wrong their or your? Of course, the answer to these two questions has to be an emphatic yes. However, I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t be, the odd thing is I never used to be bothered, I had appalling Grammar up until about 3 years ago. I still don’t know everything about Grammar, but things like the wrong spelling of “there” really bother me.
So now I have 2 DVDs to make, I'm getting there with both of them. Helen and Rob's is almost finished, I just need to get some footage off someone else's camera and add that in, maybe tweak it a bit. The one I filmed on Saturday I've done the ceremony bit, so it's just the reception I need to do (I was only at the evening reception, but we're hoping I'll be able to get the footage that Kathy -The Bride-'s brother took of the speeches). Failing that it'll be just lots of dancing.
I quite like editing, but it can get very tedious, it was taking hours to save the finished ceremony file yesterday, most annoying. It did do it finally though, I left it working while I went to work.
Maybe I'll actually get good at filming eventually, at the moment it's extremely amateurish, with enough practice I have to improve I'm sure. Though it'd been months since I'd filmed anything before this wedding, Will filmed Helen and Rob's, I'm just the editor.
Ahh well, this isn't terribly exciting for you either, you're probably wishing I'd just talked about COH. Well, tough, no one's forcing you to read it. Or if they are they're truely strange and what exactly are they hoping to accomplish?
Random Observation of this particular period of time
It has been raining a lot the last few days.
Helen, Rob and I all made cake heroes :-) to form a cake group. Mine has electrical powers.