I do deny being obsessed with Dead or Alive 3 as
Helen claims. After all if I were obsessed I wouldn't be able to blog, because I'd be downstairs playing on the X-box. See, not obsessed. Admittedly I did play on it for several hours today, I decided to try to get the high score in survival battles for every character. I have nearly succeeded, I managed all but one fairly quickly, then spent hours trying to knock Rob's friend Steve from the top spot on Christie. I haven't managed it :-( I did beat Rob's score though. I have most of the slots on the high score table, all of them playing Christie, you seem to be able to get a much higher score with her than the other characters.
Erm, not exactly proving a lack of obsession here am I? Oh well, maybe I am obsessed, but I'm sure it'll pass, it always does. I don't know why I get like that, obsessively doing one thing for ages, like a certain game (sutek's Tomb springs to mind), or making music videos, or websites, then it passes and I've lost interest in it. Don't know if other people do that too. The website thing never goes away completely, 'cos there's different sites to make and things to do and so it becomes a new obsession every so often.
Random observation of the day
On Thursday I observed that the
library at which I work is very brown. However, I hadn't really noticed that the picture I linked to doesn't really let you see quite how brown it is. It really is very brown indeed. This may be cheating as a random observation since I'm using the same thing twice, but I really don't care, it's my blog I can do what I want. I could just keep typing cheese is good! if I wanted and there's not a thing you could do. Well, there probably are things you could do, but never mind
I'm going to go and play Dead or Alive 3 now.
Okay, anything exciting? Well, we went to the zoo on bank holiday Monday, that was quite fun. Last time I blogged I was ill, and on my lunch break at work. I got worse, got sent home that afternoon, all better now. On my lunchbreak at work again.
Can't think of anything even remotely interesting, so I'll disappear, well, that would be interesting actually, if I did that, but I'm not really going to, only from the internet.
Random observation of the day
The library where I work is very brown. It has a very 70s decor I'm getting bored of it :-(