This week I have been mostly... winning things. Well, okay, only 2 things, but that's more than in a normal week, or even a month come to think of it. In fact it's probably the most I've won all year. Due in part to the fact that I don't enter competitions. First was on Saturday when we went to the Asda fireworks at Magna Park and my entry ticket won beer in the raffle, as did Rob's. Then yesterday I won the fun game of "guess the total cost of Rachel's shopping" a spur of the moment game invented when standing behind Rachel in the Safeway queue, I guessed £50 and it was £51.40 or something like that, making mine the closest, yay for me, I won a bar of Cadbury's dream chocolate, picked from the at the checkout chocolate thingy, clearly placed there for when someone invents a game and needs a quick prize. Chocolate though a lot cheaper, is much better than beer which is yucky. The chocolate is currently sitting in my coat pocket, I had forgotten about it, then found it when we went to Bradgate Park yesterday afternoon, so that was a nice surprise, but since we went to the cafe and had yummy cakes (though I ate too much icing and felt a bit sick) I didn't eat the chocolate, so if I forget again I will get a nice surprise. The beer is downstairs, I have a plan for the beer, Christmas present for brother, a good idea I feel. I hope he doesn't read this blog. Particularly if I then don't give it to him, but I don't know what else I'm going to do with 20 bottles of Castlemaine XXXX, keep it around the house and give it to people was one option, or take it to work's Christmas do, but everyone has to take a bottle anyway, so that'd probably be too much alcohol to consume in a library, I'm sure it's against the bye-laws to have alcohol in a library, I guess it doesn't matter outside opening hours. Technically you're not supposed to eat or drink anything in there, but we do and during sessions such as baby time so do members of the public. Sleeping is also not allowed, but I'm not going to chuck out old men who've dozed off while reading the paper (I don't think that's what it means really anyway).
Random observation of the day
Helen has 3 text messages on her phone, but since she's downstairs and its in my room she probably doesn't know. IN fact if I MSN her to read my blog then this may be the first she knows about it :-)