It's my lunchbreak at work, I thought I'd check emails, but annoyingly ntl's web access isn't working at the moment, tut. So I thought I might as well blog instead. Though I don't have anything to blog about, nothing new there then.
I was at a church meeting last night, it went on till quite late (had to get Helen to tape Stargate). Anyway my Church leaders are leaving :-( they're going to plant a church in Stoke On Trent in the summer. I feel really sad. I should be excited, God is obviously telling them to go, it's a good thing, but I can't help but feel down about it. I don't know who else is going to go with them to help either, we could end up losing loads, it's not losing, I know, it's sending them out. Still :-(
Happier thoughts... hmmm, can't think of any, slightly annoying morning at work actually since the computers wouldn't work properly, had to be in back up for most of the morning, they're working now though, hopefully will still be okay this afternoon. It's typical, today is the first time I've single-staffed and today is the day the computers decide to fail, okay, they've done it before, but not that often lately, most annoying.
Right, maybe I should actually eat some lunch then, I clearly have nothing interesting to say, don't know why I bother with this sometimes, I should really wait till I actually have something profound to say, but then this'd be a fairly empty blog and why shouldn't I just be another person filling the internet with drivel? I don't even know how to spell drivel and I'm far too lazy to bother opening word and checking.