Well, I've been playing around discovering what kind of battle monkey I am, and trying to see which of my friends I could beat, using my last name always gave me rather wimpy scores (2.2 for Ali Yates, 5.8 for Alison Claire Yates, but we all Know I hate Alison) so I have decided who needs more than just a first name? As Ali I have a score of 6.5 - lemon eating attack monkey- anyway, that's not the point, the point is that I have asked the site the ultimate question: Han or Luke? And the answer: HAN!! Yay, we all knew (okay, not all, most of us knew), it's true:
Han is better. Ooh and in a fight I beat Luke, but tie with Han, 'cos Han and I are the same type of monkey, wow!
Oh and just in case you're wondering Han doesn't need to do my silly pretending he doesn't have a last name thing. In a competition between Han Solo and Luke Skywalker Han "Crumpet-Eating Robot Monkey" Solo with a battle rating of 7.5 beats Luke "Cheese-Eating Psycho Monkey" Skywalker's paltry 5.3 Conclusive Proof.