I did go swimming on Tuesday, it was quite fun, though I over-exerted myself and made myself feel ill. I kind of forgot that I have no muscles due to the fact that I spend my days sitting around. I haven't swum properly for years. I plan on going once a week though. I don't have anything else interesting to say. I felt really ill yesterday, which was bad 'cos I was working from 9:15 till 7. Though I probably could have got sent home, 'cos my boss said I looked really pale and kept asking if I was okay, but I figured that training was fairly easy and sedentary and I would feel better by the time the library opened in the afternoon, and that was true, I gradually felt better and better during the day, though I still had a sore throat and funny ears all day.
Helen was discussing the fact that she doesn't do anything interesting and mentioning her friends and whether they do anything interesting, I fell into the lead a boring life category :-( it's true though. Since I lead a boring life, maybe I'll offer a grammar tip, like I have such amazing grammar :-) Okay, I am pretty sure that if you're saying something belonging to your friends (i.e more than one friend) you do put an apostrophe, but it's after the s, because it's friends plural then apostrophe to say belonging to, but you don't put a second s. so the sentence would read "He read mine and my friends'." However, I could be entirely wrong, because I have appalling grammar a lot of the time. I mean look at the length of my sentences when I don't think about it, mind you usually I know it's wrong.