The Matrix again last night. It gets better every time I watch it. It's moved its way up into my top 10 now and tonight I get to see
The Matrix Reloaded. I just realised that today's blog entry is too similar to
Helen's from yesterday, sorry. Anyway, I am really trying to convince myself that the new film will be bad, but it's not working. There is a reason behind me trying to do this, I'm not mad, well, okay maybe I am mad, but that doesn't mean that my logic is always flawed and there is a semi-sensible reason for deciding the film will be bad. See, if I go and see a film expecting it to be great then it often doesn't meet my expectations and so I am disappointed. I think that the disappointment even makes me think the film is worse than it is. If I expect a film to be bad and it is good then I am so pleasantly surprised that I often like that film more than I might have otherwise. I can't actually prove this theory and maybe it's not true, but examples where it does seem to have worked are:
Fight Club Went in expecting awful film, really didn't want to see it, think it's fantastic, one of my fave films.
Princess Bride Come on, Columbo reading to the boy out of the wonder years? How can that be any good, again, one of my fave films.
Mystery Men Was told it was awful, expected it to be rubbish, love it.
Shrek Kids film, green troll thing, won't be good. Love it.
Unbreakable By guy who did
Sixth Sense (M. Night Shyamalan) expected great things, disappointed with predictability.
Memento Expected it to be fantastic, didn't really enjoy it.
The Full Monty So much hype, expected great things, found it boring.
Films this didn't work for:
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers told was awful, nothing like the book, watched it and agreed.