Okay, haven't blogged for over a week, sorry. Haven't done anything particularly exciting. I went to visit my family at the weekend, down in
Torbay. That wasn't very exciting, just kind of hung around there, took the dog for quite a long walk, got very wet as I didn't take a coat. Went to my old church, which was cool, 'cos I got to see people that I haven't seen for a long time (I don't get back down that way very often). Plus the preach was really cool, Clive did a powerpoint presentation on "Pressing on" which was their fifth and final module on the series "Living in Freedom" that they've been doing and there were these fantastic thick A4 booklets that they'd made up with all the powerpoint slides, space for notes and a bible study at the back. The talk was really long, but I didn't get bored, 'cos it was all spot on, yay. Plus, the best thing is that I was due to do the Word yesterday night at homegroup (as
Helen said in her blog, we refer to it as cell group which is scary and prisonlike, technically it's actually called "Church in the Home" but no one ever calls it that, probably because that's a stupid and longwinded name *grin* it's always cell or homegroup) and for that I was meant to do a bible study on what was preached at the weekend, so I had resources, excellent!
Only other productive thing I've done lately is to do with church as well, I've done a lot of planning, website designing and renaming for Kids Clubs (well, not a lot of renaming, just the one renaming and then having to change the logo on everything), they're now called Hullabaloo! Credit for the name goes to Helen, it's a good name, thank you Helen, you're great :-)