We started weaning Jonas last week. Ignoring the current UK guidelines of waiting till 6 months, I don't know anyone that's actually waited for 6 months and the more information I read the more it looked like actually a blanket 6 months is not good advice and you need to look on a baby by baby basis, but just not wean before 17 weeks. Well he was 21 weeks (nearly 5 months) so we started. It's going really well, he seems to like everything so far, with the possible exception of broccoli, not that I can blame him, I'm not a fan either. It's a lot more fun weaning him than I thought it would be, though I expect the novelty will wear off pretty quickly.
The only drawback with starting now is that I had decided to do Baby Led (which is where you just give them bits of what you're eating as finger foods) but you can't start that till 6 months (for various boring reasons which I won't go into), so we're having to do purées first. However, so far I'm not actually minding the faff of puréeing everything too much and am doing batches and freezing excess, so I should have a good stockpile. I do give him whole bananas to eat though and these are by far his favourite, he just sucks on them for ages, slowly working his way down, occasionally gnawing off a small lump, or on one occasion rather a large lump, which scared me a bit, but he spat it out (as I knew in theory he should, it's why baby led is supposed to work).
Anyway, this is turning into some sort of baby blog, I apologise and promise to think of something else to blog about for next time.
Labels: baby, feeding, weaning