Since Jonas was born, these are the things that have broken:
- The PS3 (twice. First the night Jonas was born, Matt's brother played on it and it stopped working, then just after Sebastian was born).
- The DVD player (that we tried to use when the PS3 was off being mended)
- My laptop (which we then tried to use plugged into the TV when the PS3 and DVD player were out of action, to be fair it was already fairly broken in that the screen didn't work, but it did work fine when plugged into another monitor or the TV, then that went wrong too).
- Two PCs
- The external hardrive that had my back up files on. I'm really hoping that the hard drive with all of my files on in my PC is fine -it was the second hard drive, so should be and then I can get the files once it's in a new PC (Helen and Rob are kindly giving us an old one).
- 2 wingmirrors on the car (admittedly these weren't spontaneous like everything else. The first one broke when Matt was trying to get the car out while I was in labour - so technically doesn't count as being after Jonas came. The second one broke when Matt was getting the car out to fetch some things from the shops for Helen while she was in hospital having Sebastian)
- The car - can't be more specific as we've never really figured out what's wrong. The check engine light keeps coming on. The garage is baffled, they keep fixing things and it is driving better now, when it first came on there was clearly something very wrong as it had started getting very few miles to the gallon. It's come on again now though and they have said they don't know what else to do and we might have to go to a dealership.
- The Washing Machine
- Matt's bike - he got 2 flat tyres last week, that doesn't really count as breaking, so I'm getting a bit tenuous now.
I don't really think all of these things can be caused by Jonas, but it is annoying and I'm hoping that is the end of the list as I'm on maternity pay right now, so we really can't afford to keep fixing things. We haven't really been fixing or replacing many of them.