Well, that worked, I've resurrected the blog after 2 years. Wow. It seems a bit of a silly time to try to resurrect my blog, now that I have a small baby at home and therefore little time to blog, although blogging might be something I can do while feeding him, we do that a lot.
Jonas is nearly 4 months old, he's very little, weighing 9lb15 now, but he's healthy and doing well.
I think the weirdest thing about being on maternity is how normal it feels not to go to work, but to spend each day with Jonas. I expected to miss work more. I thought I might be bored, but actually I do a lot, going to different groups every day and trying to give Jonas lots of experiences and opportunities. My favourite is baby swimming lessons in a hydrotherapy pool, which we started on Sunday.
Anyway, it's very late and I'm tired, going to try to sneak to bed without waking the Jonut.