Interesting, having set up the archives to work properly, I went back to read some of my early postings. Helen is right, reading them has an odd feeling as you don't remember much of what's written about ever happening. Is this really my blog? Now I've read it I kind of remember it, but maybe the blog is implanting false memories.
Also, I discovered an html error in my second posting which meant that two paragraphs were missing as it thought they were still part of the target as I hadn't ended the quotation marks, oops. I have now rectified the mistake, it's 5 and a half years late, but better late than never. Anyone who's spent the last 5 years wondering what I was playing can now find out, aren't you relieved? There also seem to be a lot of spelling mistakes and typos, did I not spell check this back in the day?
Why am I still doing this at 1:45am? It is unlikely anyone will read this and if someone did stumble across it, why would anyone care?