I've decided to become one of those ranty people who moans about how things were better in their day. I have noticed that I keep starting to rant and decided I'll just go with the flow and forget about trying not to be a ranty person. I know teenage girls were horrible back then, but I'm pretty sure they were mainly horrible to their peers, not so much to random strangers. Why when I'm driving home from work, minding my own business should I have two infantile teenage girls throwing conkers at my car and shouting rude comments? Of course I made the mistake of looking at them, so they became ruder and more aggressive with throwing things. I was also stupid and responded, saying they could cause an accident (one nearly hit me as the window was open) of course I forgot they don't care about this. It's bad enough having to put up with rude teenagers at work, but they could at least stick to only bothering people they know. Teenagers are being blamed for all of the woes of society, but the fact is that a small minority of them are totally obnoxious and have no respect for other people. ASBOs seem to be becoming some kind of status thing. Maybe they should add better reasons for people to avoid getting an ASBO, like if you have an ASBO it's entirely acceptable for your peers to bully you. I can't think of good deterrants at the moment, but maybe I will come up with some. I'm sure that the reason kids do behave so badly is because they have no fear of consequences, because there aren't really any consequences.
My other rant, is something that confused me yesterday. While I was playing WoW, someone was recruiting for their guild: "Twink Killars" I asked what killars meant or if it was just a spelling error, he seemed confused and said it meant killers and was for fun. Why is spelling things wrong on purpose fun? Am I missing something? I don't get it. Then I asked what the name meant anyway as it was a bit ambiguous and I wondered if they were twinks who killed others, or if they killed twinks, again he seemed confused and said it was just a normal guild and that was just the name. Am I wrong in thinking that the name of a group should mean something?