Today I went to
Morrisons with one aim in mind: To get passport photos from the little machine near the entrance. I also needed milk, but I could have bought that from somewhere nearer, so I went there, got my milk and some lemonade for good measure, and some salad and bread rolls if you're really interested, paid with a £10 note and asked for £1 coins in my change not a £5 note so that I could use the photo booth. So then I headed to said machine (which I'd seen someone using as I came in) only to find someone standing outside it in the process of getting a refund and a man putting up an "out of order" sign. Drat, now I have loose change which I hate as it doesn't fit in my wallet, and still need to get photos, I'll have to find somewhere else that does them now, or wait ages before I actually get round to sending my application in, quick test to see how well you know me, which will I do?