Well, many things have happened in the world since I last blogged, but I'm sure you'll all agree that the most important, and indeed possibly the only one worth mentioning was Finland's brilliant
Eurovision win.
Lordi were amazing. I had heard the song before the contest as it seems that it was being talked about a lot in the week leading up to the show and I watched the video from their website, so I was obviously rooting for it before even hearing any of the other entries. My favourite things about the song were the lines about the arockalypse and the day of rockening. Brilliant. I have to say, there were some very good entries this year, discounting a few such as France and Switzerland's rather pitiful offerings. I particularly felt that the Former Eastern Block Countries had a good standing. I had been worried that I wouldn't enjoy watching it as I would be on my own; Helen and Rob were heading off for the evening, allowing me to borrow their house and TV for the night. However, it was thoroughly enjoyable; it has been 4 days and still I get bits of Hard Rock Hallelujah or the Romanian entry (Tornero) in my head. I'm not sure why, it's not like Tornero was that amazing, but something about it made me like it. Oh and our entry wasn't actually that bad, I mean it wasn't my cup of tea, but it was catchy. Oh and for entertainment value, well done
Germany, but please, what were you thinking? It's not a joke, it's Country! And what were we here in the UK thinking, giving them 5 points? Not that I actually voted, but that's okay, 'cos we did give Finland 12, so my vote wouldn't have made a difference.
I could perhaps think of other things worth mentioning, hmmm. I've started doing agility with Rex, he's quite good except for when he runs off to try to make puppies with a little border terrier. I have tried to explain to him that this won't work as he's lacking certain necessary equipment, but he persists. I am very relieved that he cannot perform in this manner as I don't like to think what the offspring of such a union would be.
I'm a bit bored with
World of Warcraft, I still want to play, but don't really have the desire as often as I once did, I also don't seem to have much time. I guess that's probably a good thing, I was probably playing too much. I wish I was completely fed up of it though, I still want to play enough that I can't cancel my subscription. I did try
Guild Wars in the hope that I could become addicted to a game with no fee for online play, but it was a bit boring and the people hanging around were even more irritatingly juvenile than on WoW, I had 3 or 4 people taunt me within seconds of logging on, for what? Presumably for being an obvious newbie. This insulting of people in WOW is something that drives me crazy, but at least people don't seem to go out of their way to do things to people just passing, they usually wait for someone to speak in chat before insulting them, or do it to the opposing faction. Plus there was some highly inappropriate conversation going on and some sick character names that I should have reported really.
I'm going kayaking in a swimming pool tomorrow, so that should be interesting. That is if Phil tells us when we're doing it, at the moment we have no details.
I think I need to sleep now, I have been getting gradually more and more tired and when I get tired I end up staring into space for periods of time, or taking longer and longer to type, so this short entry has actually taken about half an hour to write.