Well, my car made it home on Monday, then yesterday I got part of the way to the garage and it died, in the middle of a main road in the city at 8:15, good time! I was giving Helen a lift as the Skoda garage is near where she works, so she and I started trying to push it to the side and thankfully an AA van was behind us and the man got out and helped. He was very nice and it sounded like if I wasn't a member he would have helped anyway, except I am in the RAC, so he left me to it :-) the RAC man came out, took him about an hour to get to me, which considering the volume of traffic wasn't bad. He agreed that it was the alternator, apparently it wasn't charging the battery at all, so he charged battery a bit and put a battery pack in to get me working, then followed me to the garage. When he had a closer look it turned out the cable connecting the alternator to the battery was corroded through (I wondered why I hadn't noticed, but it was covered by some sort of rubber cap thing, which he removed to have a look). Anyway, the car was then at the garage all day. It's still there :-( they can't get a cable until Thursday and apparently there's quite a few other things that it failed M.O.T on, so they have to get lots of parts for Thursday, but on Thursday they probably won't have time to fix it. So no car for who knows how long. Inconvenient. Oh and it'll all cost about £400, so that's a pain. Oh well.