I'm bored. According to Xfire I've played WOW for 30 hours this week, that's a bit scary, particularly since all of that will have been since Friday as that's when the Hullabaloo summer club finished and I was able to finally rest. However, I think that 30 hours is fairly inaccurate thankfully, as my computer has decided that it doesn't like exiting WOW anymore, so I tell it to exit, go downstairs to do things, meaning to come back up and turn the computer off later only to come back 2 hours later to find that it has frozen in an inn somewhere. The game knows I've gone, but the computer does not. It's probably still a fairly high about like 25 hours though :-) I made some new characters that I will probably never play again as we tried a roleplay server, then discovered that in the evenings it's so full you can't get online. We've also made new characters on a PVP server, I prefer having all characters on one server really, so that you can swap things between them, but I will play this one PVP one sometimes, just to group with people and it might be nice to try the whole PVP thing. Except I'm pretty sure that I prefer being able to turn PVP on, rather than wandering along minding my own business and being killed by some stupid alliance person who just feels like it. It's only in contested areas that they can do it though, so we'll see.
Anyway, I would be playing WoW now and therefore not be bored, but it's down for weekly maintenence, the busy server that I've decided not to play on is up and has been for ages. Maybe I should play those characters at times when the other servers are down.