Oh no, I forgot
Onion day! How could I forget such an important festival? I'm shocked at myself, I'm hoping you didn't all forget too. I know Mark didn't as he sent me an Onion day text which I received last night, but didn't have time to do anything about, so my Onion Day celebrations were a little muted. I did of course eat onions for dinner (with other food). Yum. But, I gave no gift onions to people, well except Phil who I fed, so he ate some special onion day food. Thank you Mark for making sure that it didn't slip by completely unnoticed.
In case anyone else is playing World of Warcraft and wants to know who I am in the game, I am playing on the Dragonblight server and have 2 characters so far. A level 13 Tauren Druid called Dozer (Tauren is like a bull, hence the name, also I believe Dozer is the name of a fraggle) and a level 8 Night-elf Hunter called Dlorianne (see if you can work out the ref, Mark I'll be disappointed if you don't).
Oh joy I'm being waved at through the windows by some of the kids who've been banned from coming in for a month and are now allowed back in, we're open in 25 minutes, I'm guessing they'll be back then. I love half term *s/v*.