Okay, so expect posts here to be few and far between for the next month, not that that's particularly uncommon. However, I have embarked on the novel writing challenge. My work in progress is here:
Mind The Gap so it'd be great if you, my loyal readers could have a look and send comments etc. Be warned, it's not a ridiculous comedy novel, I'm actually trying a serious story! Which I'm not sure is going to work, because this is me and I like insanity, ahh well, we shall see, I like the idea I have for the book, I just don't want it to become all pretentious or anything.
Random observation of the day
I have a pedometer! I decided to see how far off the recommended number of steps I take a day (I know that there's no way I actually walk as much as I'm supposed to) the recommended is 10,000 a day. Anyway, I got it on Friday night and started counting steps over the weekend. However, I discovered I couldn't make it count accurately, it was always under, must move oddly when I walk. I finally last night found a way to make it more accurate, by attaching it to my sock! So now I can give you fun stats on my walking habits.
Remember Saturday and Sunday are quite a lot under the actual number of steps taken, I don't know how much by though, they're probably at least 3/4 of the steps though.
Sat: 6014
Sun 2917
Monday 6424 (4.04 Km)
Monday isn't over, so that's not the full count, but I feel it's unlikely that I'll do more than about 1 to 200 steps tonight since I plan on sitting at the computer most of the time with just a little walking downstairs to make dinner.
So as we can see I do not walk nearly enough. Although I was pleased to see that I walk more than I had feared. Except on Sundays which was scarily low, though it was a quiet Sunday, often I'm rushing around for Hullabaloo.