I bought a domain name for Kernel Jack's Pad and have moved it away from lycos with its stupid adverts, so it is now
kerneljack.co.uk isn't that exciting? Well, okay it's not terribly exciting, but you know, you have to find excitement where you can.
If anyone feels particularly helpful they could visit the new site and let me know if they spot any missing pages, old formatting still existing etc. I'm not going to pay you of course, but I'd be very grateful and probably be nice to you, at least for a couple of hours. I am not entirely happy with the colour scheme yet, but I can change that easily now that I've done style sheets, I was more bothered with making sure I'd got all the code in correctly.
One thing that I have found about the site is that for some reason the font appears quite bold on this computer (I'm at work) oddly it
doesn't at home. Both are set to medium font, so I'm not sure why that is. My blog looks about the same on both, though thinking about it, I think the "freak flag" comment looks bigger here. Oh well, never mind, it's going to look slightly different on different computers, I just have to put up with that.
Random observation of the day
We have our TV channels back now.