Last night I can remember sitting on the settee, not a dance settee and I am not it's Lord, I hold no dominion over any performing arts furniture (sorry non Lee and Herring fans, which no doubt is most people, I'll get back to the point...) and I was thinking, well, that's several things I can blog about. Except now, I can't think what on earth they were. I don't think they were earth shattering and it was quite late, so its entirely possible that they only seemed interesting at the time. I have a feeling it had to do with the TV, we were watching music channels, but it might not have done. Very irritating, I should have come and blogged last night instead of going to bed.
I know one thing was a parody of Madonna's holiday which for some reason I began writing on the spur of the moment while it was on last night, it was called Bolognese, it fitted quite well. That wasn't the main thing I wanted to blog about though, that was a side issue.
Random observation of the day
I still have a box of christmas presents on the unit in my room. They're unwrapped and everything I've just never got round to putting them away. Isn't that terrible?