Oh and this may be a bit contentious, but it's my blog, so I can say what I like and flout public opinion, though quite possibly not the opinion of the blogger masses, but Pride and Prejudice is a very boring book. possibly more boring than the terribly boring TV dramatisation of it. At least with that you didn't have to read it, you could just sit and pretend to pay attention. Though I seem to be reading bits and not taking them in anyway. Then I feel bad and re-read, meaning I'm reading chunks of the boring book twice. I'm not sure I'll manage this whole reading the top 21 books thing, the problem is those of them that I hadn't read are mostly those that I never had any desire to read. Hmm. I read a book that wasn't on the top 21 this week, because I was so bored of Pride and Prejudice, I read Enigma by Robert Harris, it seduced me with its lack of Mr Darcy and the existence of an actual interesting plot. It was very good, that may just be in comparison to Pride and Prejudice, but Helen said she couldn't put it down and her Mum really liked it, so it probably is actually very good. Hmm, it seems that I never updated my time back onto GMT, so blogger thinks it's Tuesday when I post this, which would mean I have to think of another Random observation, or I can go and change the date and time, this could be the random observation, now I have to think of which is the easiest, can I be bothered faffing about changing things, it would be more accurate if I did, hmm, do I want accuracy or ease. Hmm, oh, I'll be good and change the time. It's not like it's a major hassle.
Of course since I changed the time of this one and not the evening's earlier post it's now put it beneath it, which possibly for ease of reading makes more sense, but which I don't think I can put up with because all other posts are in order from most recent and this one would then be out of sequence, which means changing the time of the other post, more hassle. ho hum.
Of course once I've sorted all that out you won't see any of this out of synch stuff, so you'll just have to imagine it, or not.