I finished Captain Corelli, there didn't seem to be a small orange at all, weird. Anyway, it was good. I'm reading Wuthering Heights now, which I fully expected to be completely boring and to hate, I'm liking it more than I thought I would, so that's good. I'm still not sure if I'll make it through all 21 of the top reads, but at least I'm getting there, we don't have all of the books at
work so I might have to request some, or go to
my local library, which is about 100metres from my house, annoyingly since I live in the city and work in the county that means joining the city libraries as my card only works in the county ones, which means I don't have the advantage there of borrowing on a staff card, so have to take books back on time or pay overdues, hence why I haven't bothered to join before.
I don't think I ever mentioned this on my blog, I just kept mentioning it to people in real life, but over the last few months I've seen a lot more police cars than I used to, I noticed I was seeing a minimum of 3 a day. I was going to keep track and maybe even map their locations, but then I couldn't be bothered.
Anyway, I've realised that over the last few weeks I haven't seen so many. But today I hit the jackpot, within 4 minutes I saw 5 police cars, 1 van and 1 unmarked van! How exciting, I know the unmarked van was a policevan, because it was following a policecar that had sirens and everything on and they both went through a red light and it had little blue lights flashing by the headlights.
Random observation of the day
I don't know if this is really an observation, and I apologise that it's not very funny, but lately I seem to be attracting dangerous drivers. On Sunday on the way home from church someone came out of a side road very quickly, they only noticed me as I slammed on my breaks to avoid hitting them, then they hit their breaks so we narrowly avoided a collision.
Then this morning on my way to training at Rothley Crossroads, I was cutting down a small road to get onto the road I use to get to the motorway, when someone came bombing down the small road straight at me, okay fair enough you might think, it's a narrow road, they can't move over, except it's a one way road! And there was another car following it too. They didn't look at all embarrassed at going the wrong way and in fact seemed annoyed that they had to break quite suddenly to avoid hitting me and as I started reversing back to the wider 2-way stretch of road further back they advanced quickly, not giving me much time to actually get out of the way, even though I was kind of in shock at the near collision. Not fun.