I once owned a dog that was smarter than you
Yesterday I saw
Pirates of the Caribbean (incidentally if you can be bothered to wait while it loads this is quite a fun site). Johnny Depp was fantastic, such excellent overacting. Rather worryingly I even liked Orlando Bloom. I suppose there's nothing wrong with Orlando Bloom, it's just that the whole "oooh, isn't Orlando great" thing that happened with LOTR irritated me and I didn't really like his Legolas anyway.
Anyway, I really enjoyed the film, though there were a couple of points that I wasn't sure on, highlight to read:
- If Will didn't know that his Dad was a pirate, how did he explain the medallion? What did he think it was?
- Why was Will so good at swordmaking and fighting? Why did he have this thing against pirates if he didn't think his Dad was one? Did I miss a bit where he knows pirates killed his Dad? Or did he really know his Dad was a pirate but was in denial?
- If Bootstrap Bill Turner had a cannon tied to him and was dropped to the bottom of the ocean, then wouldn't he have had time in the 10 years since to get himself untied and back to the surface, I'm assuming he wouldn't be dead since he must be under the curse too. Or were they saying they blew him up, I thought they just sank him. I guess if they chained him very well he wouldn't ever get free and he was probably completely lost to them so they didn't want to search underwater for ever. So I guess it kind of makes sense, but you'd think that Will might decide to try to look for him rather than just give him up for dead and reverse the curse.