I just got back from training. The scary thing is that I was training other people, I don't feel old enough to actually be running things and training people. At what point in your life do you actually feel like a grown up? Does it ever happen? Does everyone just muddle through pretending? I mean I'm 24 now, I thought I'd feel like a proper grown up by now. I guess I feel older than I did when I was at school, probably older than when I was at Uni, I'm more confident about doing things, but I never really feel that I'm this proper grown up.
I was training people for
Hullabaloo, I made all these training handouts and was trying to explain everything that we'd be doing, covering all the child protection aspects and stuff. I hate having to present things to my peers though, just cos I always think they know better than me. It wasn't too bad today though, cos I kind of knew that they didn't really, not about running the summer club anyway, I mean some of them knew more about child protection, hence me picking their brains.
I guess being a grown up is about being responsible, doing things that have to be done, sometimes I wish I didn't have any responsibilities, maybe that's what I mean when I say that I don't feel like a grown up, maybe I always had this idea that grown ups felt really sensible all the time and did sensible things, but I want to mess around and stuff, but maybe that's what most grown ups are like. Or maybe I'm just one of the weird ones. Or maybe 25 is the day that you wake up and are a grown up, I'll let you know in December. Though judging from some of my friends I'd say no.
Anyway, tomorrow I have another half day of training, I'll have some of the people who couldn't make it today as well as some back again from today, so I'll be doing a bit of a recap and some new stuff.
Off to a BBQ now since it's still ludicrously hot, running late 'cos lost track of time.