I don't think that I mentioned, I've had my hair cut short. That was on Tuesday. I think I like it, everyone seems very complimentary, but I can never be quite sure. The only problem is that now I look too much like
Helen. A couple of people thought I was Helen, I didn't think that we looked *that* similar. I guess they only thought it at first glance, then realised it was me, but still, could be annoying around people who don't know us that well.
Today is Harriet and Will's wedding day. Must go out and buy some wrapping paper as I didn't get enough yesterday. I am actually going to do something that I almost never do and wear a dress to the wedding. I'm not sure why, but I promised I would about a year ago. Think it was because they were going on about seeing me in a dress and I said if they were really that bothered I'd wear one at theirs. Only problem is that they're having a bouncy castle! I might take trousers with me to change into.
Oh, and I started reading the new Harry Potter (Order of the Pheonix) on Thursday. It came in to the library on Wednesday (we're a smaller library so have to wait for it to be sent on) but couldn't go out on the shelf as there was a reservation, we phoned the woman, but she hadn't picked it up by Thursday lunchtime, so I read the first chapter in my lunchbreak. It was quite good. She still hadn't picked it up in the evening, so I took it home and read 3 more chapters whilst babysitting. Had to take it back in to work on Friday for the woman to collect it, she didn't come, but I couldn't take it home again as she might come to pick it up today and I'm not in work as I've taken the day off for the wedding. Anyway, I'm not a huge Potter fan, but I do like the books. I find them quite interesting, but I couldn't really remember what had happened in the last one, which made it difficult as they keep referring back. It is well written, and the new book does make you want to read on. Helen asked if the reason that I'm a bit negative about Harry Potter is because everyone loves it, I think she could be right, maybe I would think it was excellent if it wasn't so over-hyped.
Anyway, I'd better stop messing around and get dressed so I can go to the shop, people seem to think you're odd if you go in your pyjamas.