Well, I've spent a pretty long time listing stuff at ebay. I don't think any of it will actually sell, so I'll have just wasted several hours and £2.10 (at least there's a special offer at the moment so it's only 10p instead of 15p to list things with a starting price of less than a pound) listing a load of junk. I don't even know why I have most of this stuff, it's not like it's stuff I like. You could go have a look and laugh at some of the weird stuff that I seem to own
look at My ebay page I mean, why do I own so many love CDs? Or Flubber? I don't even watch South Park, yet I have South Park screensavers. It's weird. Does anyone else find this if they clear out their stuff? A whole load of stuff that they don't like and have never liked, or is it just me? I guess I quite often get given things that I don't like, then they sit around for ages. Mad, I hope someone buys something. I've just thought of some other things to list, have to think about whether I can be bothered now.