Well, I decided to rearchive everything to tidy up the site a bit, so there's no more old blue style blog in the archives. Course that means that I've removed all the bits I used to have in the side bar, but I don't think there was ever anything exciting in there anyway, it's much neater like this I think. I am bored this morning. I keep trying to think of things to do, of course there are a million and one things to do, it's just that I don't want to do any of them, don't you just hate that? I could play a game or something, but I'm not really in the mood for that, maybe I'll go and have another cup of tea, I boiled the kettle after I'd hung my washing out. It's a nice day today, it's typical, yesterday when I would have quite liked to go for a walk it was overcast, today when I don't feel like leaving the house it's lovely outside. I went out briefly to the post office, and then to hang out the washing but other than that I'm sitting inside with the curtains drawn, how ridiculous. Maybe I should just make myself go for a walk... nah, can't be bothered. I could read something, if we had a decent garden I could sit in it and read, then at least I'd be outside, but the patch of grass we have is tiny and mostly shaded. I could go to the park, but again can't be bothered, I'm a lazy moo. Maybe I should go and write something, at this rate I'll have wasted the whole morning, it'll be time to go to work and I'll have done absolutely nothing, that's just silly. Well, whatever I'm going to do, sitting here blogging isn't going to get me to do it any quicker, instead I'm just stopping you from doing anything either 'cos you are reading my posts, I have no idea why, go do something more interesting, like watching paint dry. I'm going now.