I just watched
The Last Starfighter. This is actually the second time I've watched it this year, I taped it off
Channel 5 before that I hadn't seen it since I was a kid in the 80s. I watched it today because I had a couple of friends round and they wanted to see it. It's a great film. Yes, it's pretty dated now, the spaceships are still great though, it's like watching a really old computer game. DeathBlossom is a fantastic weapon. There's this spaceship car too, which I hate to say it, since
Back To The Future is my fave film, but I think
Back To The Future may have copied the idea of the spaceship/car with the Delorean, particularly when the DeLorean has gone through its hover convertion, it looks very similar and this film was a year earlier. Maybe they were paying homage to this film, so that's okay.
I don't think that
The Last Starfighter would look very good to anyone that didn't watch it as a child, but it's not as bad as a lot of things from childhood, the plot makes kind of sense. Though the excitement of all his neighbours at him beating the record on a video game is ludicrously overdone, I mean can you really imagine little old ladies running over and getting excited at the fact that someone is approaching an arcade game record?
Okay, so I've blogged about nothing but a film from 1984 today, sorry. I did actually go to
Bradgate Park today too, which was nice, but I can't think of anything exciting to say about it. It was quite busy there, probably because it wasn't actually raining and it is Saturday.