Well, it's my break at work and I figured I wouldn't have time to blog at home tonight, since it's Stargate night and everything, so I thought I might as well come online. It's a bit weird sitting at the library in opening times using the public computers, I feel like I'm doing something wrong, but no-one else is using this PC, so hey.
Anyway, I did order a camcorder, just in case you were wondering. It's a Panasonic one, £358 for a digital camcorder, figured that's not bad and it had good ratings. Can't think of anything exciting to say now, maybe I'll think of something else to do with my break, I don't really need a break, 'cos I don't have anything to do, I guess I could read. Anyway, going now. This is really boring, I should really try to be more entertaining. Maybe I should think of interesting observations on life or something. Dunno, can't be bothered.