Nothing much going on at the moment. I seem to keep making videos. That's quite fun, they aren't great though. I made a Peter Deluise Music Video for my
Peter DeLuise site I'm not sure if it's any good, never mind. The other videos I'm making involve me being filmed, I don't really like that, I can be silly, but as soon as the camera turns on me I get self conscious, what's with that? I've managed to do some silly stuff on camera when it hasn't involved talking. I don't know if we'll ever be able to film this sketch that we wanted to do as I feel silly and end up not shouting and being all violent like I'm meant to. I'm filming with my mate Will, he just seems to be able to act stupidly and do silly voices on camera really easily. I found making a music video using footage I'd shot a while back quite entertaining. I'm trying to decide whether to buy a digital camcorder. I really want one, but I don't really need one. I guess that if you look at it that way I don't need anything other than clothes and food, so I could just get it, my parents have given me enough christmas money to get a very cheap one. Think of the things I could do. Hmm, if I don't get one, then I haven't really had a christmas present, just spent the money on necessities, that's boring, though technically I should be saving, I only work part time after all. I think I'm talking myself in to getting it though. If you're wondering and thinking that I must have a camcorder, so then I'd have two and that's just silly, well I don't, it's my parents' I've got it on an extended loan at the moment and I am using it a lot, it'd be great to have one of my own and be able to edit stuff on the computer and still get it back onto video. I think I'll go now and research cameras a bit more, instead of just rambling here.