I've been feeling really tired the last few days. I guess that's 'cos I haven't been sleeping properly, but I still feel shattered today despite sleeping for hours. Oh well, guess it takes a while to catch up, plus I think I might be coming down with something. Anyway, makes it hard to be coherant or anything, so sorry about that.
We have broadband now, well, okay, not proper full on fast broadband. NTL's cheapest version of broadband, only 128K, but it's still way faster than dial-up. It's great. Yesterday I watched loads of Stargate music videos, just because I wanted to do something that required a fast connection. It was fantastic, they downloaded loads quicker than they could play. Wahoo for the broadband. I keep wanting to say "Broadband has landed" but then I'm quoting adverts, which I do have a tendancy to do, but am trying to stop. Although quoting BTs advert in relation to an NTL product could be some sort of subversion of the advertising concept.
Right, I'm going to now make some of the next paragraph redundant, where I apologise if I'm spoling anyone, by saying that I am going to talk in fairly vague terms about Buffy series 7 and Angel series, erm, which series is it? 3? 4? Whichever series runs alongside Buffy series 7. I'm not really spoiling for those series, but if you haven't seen the series before then it might not be wise to read, though I'm still being quite vague.
I watched the new series of Buffy last night, well obviosuly not the whole series, had I done that that would explain my fatigue, no,
just the first episode. It wasn't a fantastic episode, but it did open the series quite well I think by setting up questions, mainly what's going on with Spike. I hope that's vague enough not to be considered a spoiler to anyone that hasn't seen it, if you think that's a spoiler then I guess you'll have to never read any magazines or internet posts. After Buffy there was an advert for Angel, not quite as annoying as the one that completely spoiled the Buffy season 5 finale, but in a similar league. I spend months wondering what's going to happen after the end of series cliff-hanger and they show an advert telling me, it sadly looks like they didn't do my plan of leaving Angel trapped underwater for a few centuries, to have him found by some futuristic archaeologists, so that the next series of Angel was some sort of Angel:The Next Generation, with him in the future, trying to make amends to his descendants or something. Anyway, next week I get to see what happens in Angel, hopefully it'll be good and the advert won't have ruined the surprise too much, I mean, I knew he'd be rescued or break out, it's just that the advert showed me how which is annoying. I hope I'm not being too spoilery for last season of Angel, I think I'm being quite vague though, maybe I should go and stick a spoiler warning up the page. Right, done that now, so I could delete this comment, but I'm not going to, why not have vast passages of pointless text?
I'm supposed to be doing work for ECDL (European Computer Driving License), but it's so ridiculously easy that I find it hard to get motivated and bother to do anything. Plus a lot of the stuff in these booklets that I'm supposed to be learning seems to be pretty out of date. The directions for doing stuff in Word seem to be for word 6 or something. I've passed the internet module already without doing any preparation for it, except for showing some other people how to do stuff. I'm being tested on Word and the introductory module next Tuesday, I might do managing files then as well if there's time, just to get another one out of the way.
Helen has just entered the room, said "monkeys" and handed me a disk. I presume monkeys was in reference to my blog, I'm not sure. Apparently the disk has a story on it (judging from the answer "story" when I asked what was on the disk, I wonder if Helen's in a monosyllabic mood today, oh, apparently not, she just said she thought I was doing work). Anyway, I'm going to go and read this story now then. Bye