Well, Christmas came and went and suddenly it's the end of 2002. Wow. Time is flying. It was a really weird Christmas 'cos this is the first year that I've had a job that didn't revolve around school holidays, so I was working up till Christmas Eve and back at work on the 27th. Oh well, at least I got Christmas Eve off and I get New Year's Eve off too, not that they are holidays, but they're Tuesday's and my
library is closed on Tuesdays, so unless there's extra training I don't have to work. So I have 2 days off now, as New Year's day is obviously a holiday too, yay. I'm going to a chap party for new years. Should be fun, guess I have to try and find something to wear though, if I can be bothered, or I'll just turn up in my normal clothes. I don't know, might be interesting to own a tweed suit or something.
I haven't shared my exciting Christmas presents with you. I got an R2D2 3D jigsaw, it's quite cool, it makes noises, it took a few hours to do though and I have to confess that after I'd done the body and legs I kind of got bored and couldn't do the feet and attach them all together, well, I could have, but I was getting frustrated and people came round and while I was cooking dinner they finished the feet for me and I was glad. Though I guess I don't quite have that satisfaction of doing it all myself, but I don't really care. There's some bits left over though which is odd and can kind of explain my frustration, they clearly don't go anywhere and there are gaps that no pieces fit in, I wonder if there was some sort of mistake? I don't know. Anyway, I also got an air hockey game, that's good fun. However, my best Christmas Present is the Back to the Future Trilogy on DVD incredibly cool. I was annoying people by quoting the script as we watched it, I was trying not to do it loudly, but apparently it was still annoying, so I stopped. You can't help saying some lines though. My brother had to say "1.21 Gigawatts!" Too, you just have to. The thing I hadn't realised is that it isn't true that Back To The Future used to be my favourite film. The truth is it still is my favourite film. Since getting the DVDs I have watched all 3 films and all the extras, yet if anyone asked me now I would quite happily sit and watch them again. I have never tired of watching BTTF, I would quite happily watch the first one over and over, I lost track of how many times I'd watched it at about 25. That is not an exaggeration, I was keeping count when I first got it on video when I was however old, what 9? When did it come on video over here? I don't know. I think I was about 9 though, I can remember talking to my best friend in Primary School about it and we stopped being close when we were about 11, so I must have been younger than that, not that it matters, I'm rambling. Anyway, whatever other films I've thought were my favourites, like Fight Club, or The Princess Bride, aren't really, 'cos there are times when I'll say, no I don't really feel like watching that. Yet, with BTTF, I've never seen it too many times. Maybe it's just the nostalgia effect, it reminds me of my enjoyment of it in the past, but I think it's just a great film, the sequels are good too and I love them, but the first one is the best. A lot of people don't like the second one and seem to think the third is the best, but I like BTTFII a lot, possibly more than III.
Right, moving on, what else have I been doing? Well, I have succumbed, the NTL people phoned and told me to get Broadband, I was saying no, because of Helen and I both having to use the internet, in different rooms, but they pointed out that we could use a USB lead, or network the computers, and it's going to be free installation, so I had to really, didn't I? Only thing is that we won't both be able to go online at once now, but we didn't very often before (we could before because of 2 phonelines, but we'll get rid of the second phoneline now and just have the internet on broadband).
I haven't done anything very exciting lately, I was looking at Helen's blog just now and I see that she and I have been doing exactly the same thing, since she's added loads of quotes which I've just heard from watching my Red Dwarf DVDs all night. I've just noticed that it's midnight and I had planned an early night 'cos I wanted to go shopping early tomorrow morning, scum. Why can't I be more efficient and stop procrastinating about things as simple as going to bed? How annoying, I'd better go now if I want any chance of getting into town by 9.